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What Do Champions and Legacy Societies Have in Common?

Your champions are those individuals who know, like and trust your organization. They fully buy in to your organization's cause. They are also your greatest assets. Your champions are the ones who positively talk about you with others, they volunteer with you and they financially invest in you. They are the lifeblood of your organization!

Without raising more champions, organizations will struggle to motivate donors to leave the larger gifts needed to propel your organization forward. How do you cultivate an environment where donors wish to champion your cause by getting more involved and by giving more? You create a vibrant giving community – a legacy society.

A legacy society is a group of like-minded people who are excited to rally around your organization's mission that they are willing to commit to a lifetime gift, such as a bequest or beneficiary designation. If organized well, this society can become an unstoppable force that propels your fundraising to an entirely new level. By creating champions, you are reproducing your passion, your determination and your values into the lives of others. A legacy society is an ideal platform to make this possible.

A legacy society has the potential to be a platform for further engagement, education, volunteerism and even influence. Similar to a marketing funnel, a legacy society funnel should have a systematic way to engage donors further. Creative events, recognition, education on ways to give, clear pathways to greater involvement and relational journeying are all important ways to further engage your donors, helping them to feel fulfilled as they join arms with you.

Champions in your legacy society will often motivate others to learn more about your organization. In fact, your legacy members become your ambassadors. When they are excited, you will find them saying, "Look at the incredible work that is happening here. I am so thrilled to be a part of it. Why don't you join us in our mission?"

As you help your donors feel valued and fulfilled, these champions will be excited to go out and share with those in their spheres of influence about the amazing work your organization is doing. These individuals will be able to connect with and reach people that would never have crossed your path.

By creating a vibrant legacy society, in time, your champions will emerge and empower your organization to move towards a whole new level of fundraising. If you would like to explore what your legacy society could look like, please contact us. We are here to help.

Andy Ragone

By Andy Ragone
Integrated Marketing - West Region, Crescendo Interactive, Inc.

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