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Enhance Your Planned Giving Website

A welcoming planned giving website with timely content is essential for organizations that want to encourage donors to make current and planned gifts. Your website should serve as a valuable resource intended to educate donors about the different ways they can give to your organization and equip them with tools to direct their philanthropic journey. By adding new features and resources to your planned giving website, you can create a more engaging and informative experience that encourages donors to support your organization's important work.

To promote current gifts on your website, nonprofits should consider using calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage donors to learn about planned giving or make a gift. CTAs should be prominently displayed on the website, with clear messaging and compelling visuals.

One way you can motivate your supporters to act is by is creating a streamlined and user-friendly process for donors to give through the use of giving widgets.

Giving widgets allow your donors to connect to their financial providers directly from your planned giving website, streamlining the donation process and making it easier for donors to give.  The convenience of this giving process can be particularly appealing to busy donors who want to support the causes they love but have limited time to devote to the donation process.

Here are a few examples of giving widgets Crescendo hosts on a GiftLegacy Pro website for Furman University:

Another significant benefit of widgets is that they notify nonprofit organizations when a donor is making a gift. This notification can help nonprofits plan and allocate resources appropriately, ensuring that gifts are acknowledged and stewardship efforts are timely. Additionally, the nonprofit receives the contact information from the donor, allowing them to reach out and thank the donor directly for their generosity and add them to their donor lists.

In conclusion, widgets on a planned giving website can significantly help your nonprofit build stronger relationships with your supporters, increase giving, and create a more efficient and effective planned giving program. As such, you should consider adding widgets to your planned giving website as part of your overall fundraising strategy.

If you do not have a planned giving website or would like to discuss how to revitalize your planned giving website, please contact us at Crescendo Interactive. We are here to help.

Ryan LaCanfora

By Ryan LaCanfora
Integrated Marketing - Northeast Region, Crescendo Interactive, Inc.

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